DxOMark kürt nach den letzten Tests die Pentax K5 II zur besten APS-C Kamera. ich bin mal gespannt wann die NX20 dort auftaucht.., http://flpbd.it/IXgNO

DxOMark: Pentax K-5 II is currently the best APS-C camera
DxO­Mark pub­lished their test results for the Pen­tax K-5 II ($1,196.95) and the cam­era received the high­est score in the APS-C cat­e­go­ry (includ­ing DSLR and mir­ror­less):<p>”With an over­all score of 82 the Pen­tax K-5 II (and its pre­de­ces­sor the K-5) are at the same level as the likes of…